Radiofrequency Venous Ablation / Phlebectomy

Radiofrequency venous ablation is a minimally invasive, painless, office based procedure designed to treat symptoms associated with venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Venous insufficiency occurs when the valves located in the lower extremity veins become incompetent leading to poor blood flow. Symptoms can include swelling, leg pain, restless legs, recurrent infection, and more.

During this office based, outpatient procedure an ultrasound is used to guide a small catheter into the problematic vein. The radio frequency heat source is then used to collapse the vein. Once the problematic vein is close the body uses the remaining healthy veins to return the blood back to your heart and improve the symptoms associated with venous insufficiency.

Phlebectomy is another minimally invasive, office based procedure designed to treat symptoms associated with venous insufficiency and varicose veins. During this procedure the physician will remove large, unsightly varicose veins from the lower extremities to help improve the symptoms associated with venous insufficiency and improve the cosmetic look of the lower extremities.